Sandhya Prakash unveils her debut book “Shifting Sands of Saudi”

Sandhya Prakash unveils her debut book “Shifting Sands of Saudi”

New Delhi :  Sandhya Prakash, a debut author, was overjoyed to announce the publication of her work of fiction, “Shifting Sands of Saudi.” This engaging tale, set in 1990s Saudi Arabia, looks into the obstacles experienced by the heroine, Saakshi, as she navigates the complexity of the times. “Shifting Sands of Saudi” is a memoir written by an expatriate on life in Saudi Arabia in the 1990s. Amazon Pre-order was released on October 20, 2023, and the book is now available in India on as of October 27, 2023, as well as worldwide on prominent online retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

“Shifting Sands of Saudi” is an engrossing story that provides a touching peek into the life of Saakshi, a lady striving to transcend cultural constraints and the watchful eyes of the Muttawas in Saudi Arabia. Sandhya weaves numerous episodes throughout a 1990s timeframe in her 212-page book that address the following themes:

  • The brave journey of Saakshi to declare her independence in a traditional environment; • The intricacies of family connections and cultural expectations.
  • The Muttawas’ intriguing function and effect on everyday life in Saudi Arabia.
  • The human spirit’s tenacity and the pursuit of one’s aspirations.

Readers can anticipate a finely constructed story that transports them to the vivid backdrop of 1990s Saudi Arabia, where Saakshi’s resolve and spirit shine through.

“Shifting Sands of Saudi” is a must-read for everyone who enjoys thrilling short tales of personal success set against a distinctive and culturally diverse surroundings. Sandhya Prakash’s narrative ability authentically and effortlessly brings Saakshi’s world to life.

The publisher Beeja House had the formal book launch ceremony for “Shifting Sands of Saudi” on October 26th, 2023. Attendees were able to meet the author, Sandhya Prakash, who offered her ideas and insights into the making of the book.

“A fascinating peek into the modern history of Saudi Arabia through the lens of a young Indian woman,” said Raju Reddy, Founding Partner of Silicon Valley Quad, Founder and Ex-CEO of Sierra Atlantic. “‘Shifting Sands of Saudi Arabia’ paints a vivid picture of a constantly stereotyped, yet foreign to most of us world.”

“The Shifting Sands of Saudi Arabia could not have begun on a more accurate note,” remarked Vasanthi Hariprakash, a Radio TV journalist and podcaster. For those who have never visited Saudi Arabia, the country’s image is one of caravans and camels, or whipping and dread. For most Indians, it is a country where you go to earn a lot of money, not a place where you can go on vacation or have a social life. Sandhya Prakash née Raghavan paints a picture of what it’s like for a young couple starting their lives together in that difficult environment. Sandhya, like the protagonist Sakshi, was great in academics, the perpetual school topper, the inquiring, ardent senior that one recalls and always knew would go somewhere. I had no idea she’d go to the desert and build an oasis!”

Geetika Saigal, Founder & CEO of Beeja House, talked at the launch ceremony about why they chose this book for publication. “Unveiling the veiled kingdom, Sandhya Prakash’s ‘Shifting Sands of Saudi’ is a narrative tour de force,” she added. We realised this was a tale that needed to be told after being captivated by Sandhya Prakash’s explosive blend of personal storytelling and vivid cultural inquiry. Her book breaks down preconceptions by providing a highly personal but broadly relatable narrative of perseverance in the face of fast social change. Prakash’s colourful tale takes you along the dunes of change and tradition, showcasing perseverance and adaptation in a transforming period through the perspective of ‘Saakshi’ – the young ambitious expat. “‘Shifting Sands of Saudi Arabia’ is more than a book; it’s a revelation that challenges and charms, page after unforgettable page.”

For additional information on the book, collaborations, and launch events, follow Sandhya on Twitter @twilightsandhya or email her at

About the Author: 

Sandhya is an accomplished thought leader, TEDx speaker, Entrepreneur, and Singer, known for her storytelling prowess and her ability to transport readers to diverse and engaging worlds. “Shifting Sands of Saudi” is her first work of fiction, promising to captivate and inspire readers as they journey alongside Saakshi through the challenges and triumphs of 1990s Saudi Arabia.

Contact: Sandhya Prakash Email:

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