PM Modi May Face “Headache” During his Visit to Surat Diamond Bourse

PM Modi May Face “Headache” During his Visit to Surat Diamond Bourse

Surat: Concerns are mounting about the health of PM Modi during his upcoming visit to the world’s largest office building, the Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB), on December 17th. The reason? The presence of a massive solid waste dumping site located a mere stone’s throw away from the SDB.

Office owners of diamond companies, traders, and visitors have reported experiencing headaches and restlessness while inside the giant structure. The culprit for this discomfort is the Khajod solid waste disposal site, managed by the Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC). This site receives and processes a staggering 2,300 metric tonnes of garbage daily, raising concerns about air pollution and health hazards.

These concerns escalated with the announcement of PM Modi’s visit. During a prior visit, Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel had emphasized the urgent need to clear the Khajod site before the PM’s arrival. Unfortunately, despite the urgency, the SMC has not yet made any substantial progress in addressing the issue.

Owner of a diamond company at Surat Diamond Bourse said, “It feels like we’re sitting on mounds of garbage, and it stinks.” The odour is more powerful in the morning and evening. While sitting at the workplace, we constantly experience restlessness and headaches. “I can imagine the bourse visitors’ situation.”

Dinesh Navadia, a trustee of the Surat Diamond Bourse, expressed his worry, stating, “Visitors, diamond merchants, traders, and company owners are experiencing headaches and restlessness while at the SDB. The Khajod disposal site is located close to the bourse, and we are deeply concerned about PM Modi’s health during his upcoming visit.”

The Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB) is touted as the world’s largest office building, bigger than the Pentagon in the United States (US). The Rs 3,200 crore project houses about 4,200 diamond offices. The bourse was made operational with about 135 diamond offices, including the leading diamond company Kiran Gems that shifted its base from Mumbai on November 21.

Sources within the SMC acknowledge the problem and reveal that a new solid waste disposal site has been approved at Umber village near Surat. However, the project is currently awaiting Environmental Clearance (EC) from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC). Once the EC is granted, the Umber site could be operational within 10 months.

The delayed progress on the Umber site leaves the SDB inauguration shrouded in a cloud of uncertainty. It remains to be seen if the SMC can effectively address the Khajod issue in time for PM Modi’s visit, ensuring the health and safety of everyone involved.

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