Gujarat : Economic Woes Push Suicide Rate to Alarming Heights

Gujarat : Economic Woes Push Suicide Rate to Alarming Heights

Gandhinagar : The air hangs heavy in this bustling industrial hub in Gujarat, not just with the smog of progress, but with a growing sense of despair. Despite being one of the fastest-growing states in the country, a grim reality lurks beneath the gleaming facades of skyscrapers and factories. In the past six years, 16,862 lives have been tragically cut short by suicide, a staggering 50.44% increase.

The cause? A gnawing economic hardship that crushes dreams and extinguishes hope. As Congress spokesperson Dr. Manish Doshi starkly points out, “The government has not been sensitive towards its people, leading to this devastating rise in suicides.”

The statistics paint a chilling picture. Forty-one people from just 13 families, driven to the brink by loan sharks and the daily struggle to survive, chose to end their pain. Farmers, laborers, daily wage earners – the backbone of the state’s economic engine – form the majority of these victims. But the shadow of despair stretches even further, encompassing 3,740 students in the past five years, robbed of their futures by the crushing burden of academic and career expectations.

“The government claims to offer numerous financial schemes,” Dr. Doshi questions, “then why are people taking their lives under the weight of economic woes? The government must prioritize these issues, ensure not a single life is lost to loan shark extortion or financial hardship.”

“This human crisis demands immediate and decisive action. Mere platitudes and empty promises won’t suffice” said Doshi. “The government needs to delve deeper, understand the root causes of this epidemic, and implement targeted interventions. Financial assistance, social support systems, and mental health initiatives are crucial first steps. Addressing the systemic issues that trap people in debt and despair is equally important.”

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