Gujarat AAP Demands Rs 450 LPG and 3k Honorarium for Women

Gujarat AAP Demands Rs 450 LPG and 3k Honorarium for Women

Surat : The Gujarat AAP Surat unit stormed the diamond hub of Kapodara, demanding an end to the “double standards” employed by the BJP in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Chanting slogans and waving placards, over a dozen party leaders, including Surat City President Mahendra Navadia, were detained by police before their protest could gain momentum.

The bone of contention? AAP’s fervent plea for the Gujarat government to match the welfare schemes recently rolled out by the BJP in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Their demands were twofold: gas cylinders at Rs 450 apiece and a monthly honorarium of Rs 3,000 for every woman in Gujarat.

“For years, the people of Gujarat have been cheated,” Navadia thundered, addressing the crowd before his detainment. “Despite years of unwavering support for the BJP, why are we being robbed while our counterparts in other states get relief? What is wrong with us?”

He accused the BJP government of “suppressing democracy” by silencing their rightful protest. “We are the voice of the people, trying to reach the government. Yet, they try to crush our voice!”

The protest stems from AAP’s public pledge during the Gujarat assembly elections, where party chief Arvind Kejriwal proposed similar schemes to combat inflation. Back then, these promises were dismissed by BJP leaders as mere “Revdi” (freebies).

“Now, the BJP shamelessly offers the same gas cylinders and women’s honorarium in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, where they are in power,” Navadia pointed out. “But in Gujarat, where they’ve ruled for 28 years, our women and all Gujaratis are left in the lurch.”

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